Looking for sponsorship?

Cole Murray Financial Advisers are offering your association the chance to fundraise through a referral program. Members, friends, and family of the association can receive free financial advice and in return the association is paid a referral fee.

How it works

Your association will receive a donation from Cole Murray if a person affiliated with the association becomes a client of Cole Murray. They must mention that they have come to Cole Murray through the referral program.

The referral sponsorship amounts are:

  • Mortgage/Lending $100*
  • KiwiSaver and Investments $50
  • Home, Contents and Car Insurance $50
  • Commercial Insurance $100
  • Personal Risk Insurance (Life, Health, Disability) $100
  • Bonus – refer 10 new clients to Cole Murray $250

Donations will be paid quarterly.

* minimum $250K of lending

Benefits of a referral program over traditional sponsorship

Investing in your association

What you choose to spend this sponsorship on is entirely up to you. You might buy new equipment, upgrade facilities, or support less fortunate people in your community.

Incentivises member involvement

Members are actively engaged in helping the association by sharing referrals, creating a sense of contribution and teamwork.

Scalable over time

As the association grows, the referral program scales naturally, increasing potential earnings.

Transparent and measurable impact

The association can track exactly how much it has earned through the program.

Let's get started

Contact Will Vermeulen to learn more 06 870 7050.