Mike Murray

Related Services: Mortgages, Financial Planning

Contact Mike Murray

Financial Services Provider Number

For me, it seems there has only ever been one chosen career path. I’ve been involved in finance my entire working career, gaining extensive experience across lending, investment and management fields, all of which gave me a solid grounding for establishing my own mortgage advice consultancy in 1996. Ongoing I had many business dealings with Jeremy Cole and we began to work closely together, before pursuing our common vision and establishing Cole Murray in 2005.

These days, as a Financial Adviser, I focus on providing sound financial advice that meets peoples changing goals for their own financial journey and that of their family’s. My role as a Director also sees me taking care of the financial and compliance side of the business – something that continues to be a major part of our industry as financial advice adapts to changing client needs and industry trends.

Outside of the office, one of my biggest challenges is endeavouring to conquer Te Araroa – the long New Zealand trail, along with my business partner Jeremy. Keeping up with my three adult children, two grandchildren and wife Pam is also a lot of fun and keeps me busy.

Give me a call and we can talk about securing your financial future.