Complaints Process

If you have a problem, concern or complaint about any part of the service provided by any Cole Murray Adviser, please tell us so we can try to fix the issue(s).

You may contact the Cole Murray internal complaints scheme by speaking with our Complaints Officer, Will Vermeulen. He can be contacted on 06 870 7050, or by email.

If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue or if you decide not to use the internal complaints process, you can contact Financial Disputes Resolution Service.

This service is available at no cost to you and will help us resolve any disagreements.

Contact details for Financial Dispute Resolution Service is:

Freepost 231075
PO Box 2272
Wellington 6140
0508 337 337

We see all feedback as an opportunity to improve our service. Our aim is to achieve an agreeable resolution for all complaints we may receive. Thank you.