In this world of big banks (and their power) it’s easy to feel mortgage pressure and that you’re backed into a corner at the first sign of a bump in the road.
First of all, we want you to know that you’re not alone if you’re struggling to meet your obligations with the bank. It’s common, and whatever the reason, life happens.
Secondly and thankfully, there are options that you might not have thought about. As Mortgage Advisers at Cole Murray we are seeing a shift in the industry as more non-bank lenders are opening their options for everyday borrowers.
These independent non-bank lenders are providing well-backed finance solutions on increasingly favourable terms, so it’s good news for anyone looking for an alternative to the bank.
One of the biggest pieces of advice we have for you is to act now. Pick up the phone, drop us an email, and let’s get proactive.
The earlier you act, the greater your prospects are for finding a solution. Not to mention the relief you can feel once you’ve brought us into the mix to help get things into perspective.
It’s a service that comes at no cost to you*, and puts your interests first – learn more here.
* Our standard Mortgage Advisory service is provided free of charge as we are remunerated (paid) by the banks, but we also provide specialised services and advice for non-conforming, credit-impaired, business and complex cases. After our free initial no-obligation consultation, we will advise you if a fee may need to be charged before we undertake any work. In many cases we may find a simple solution for you.
Photo credit: Markus Spiske – Unsplas