Sometimes we all need a bit of a rev up when it comes to being proactive about money.
We’ve scoured the web for a few of our favourite quotes of the moment, in the hopes they inspire your financial plan and give you that push that you need!
“When you think you have a money problem, what you really have is an idea problem”
– J. Massey, Real Estate Investor & Author – his story is self-made rags to riches, bringing his family back from severe medical and financial hardship on the advice of a friend
“Be thoughtful about everything. Thoughtful about each purchase. Is it really something that’s going to bring you happiness, or can you let that go? [Be] thoughtful of where you put your money, [learn] about money.”
– Luann Abrams, every-day millionaire & stay at home mum
“That’s it. Living less than you make and investing it wisely. That’s the equation. No one is going to get there without following that equation.”
– Darrow Kirkpatrick, self-made millionaire who retired at 50, and self-confessed prudent spender
“Money does not have to be this thing that nobody talks about. We can talk about it like car-talk.”
– Joe Saul-Sehy, Co-host of Stacking Benjamins Podcast, bringing money matters out into the open
“Don’t let your lack of experience prevent you from doing something because the only way to get the experience is to just dive in.”
– Ryder Kessler, Founder of DipJar, US online tipping software sensation
Seeking advice is often the first step on the road to financial success, and we talk to people every day who recognise the value in asking a specialist for help. After all, you put your car in for a service, you get a check-up at the dentist, so why would you do anything less with your financial future?
If you’re already doing this, take a pat on the back! And if you’re not – it’s never too late to start. Give us a call today and our trained advisers will be happy to work with you to build your total financial plan. It’s what we enjoy doing and it would be a pleasure to help you get fired up and get your plan happening.
Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash