Hollie’s* story shows what can happen when you have an Insurance Adviser by your side.
At 26, Hollie was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythmetosis, a chronic autoimmune disease. In this disease, the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues. For Hollie (and 20% of people with the disease), this involves major organs like the heart, lungs and brain.
This once-active runner faced not only health challenges, but also repeated rejections when trying to secure life insurance on her own.
The insurance company said “no”
As the years went on, Hollie got married, got a mortgage and started a family. It became more important to her to ensure her husband and children would be financially secure if something happened to her.
“I tried at least 8 or 10 times to get life insurance,” Hollie says. “I even tried companies that advertised ‘no pre-existing conditions.’ I thought they meant some conditions were okay. Eventually, I just gave up.”
When a Financial Adviser comes along
Everything changed when Hollie met David Riddell, an Insurance Adviser with Cole Murray Financial Advisers. She met him through a networking group. David’s approach was immediately different from what Hollie had dealt with before. She decided to try one more time, even though she had little hope.
“I think I told him, ‘Please don’t spend too much time on this because the answer will probably be no,'” Hollie remembers. “Don’t work too hard on it.”
“When I heard Hollie’s situation, I knew there were options she hadn’t explored,” David explains. “As an Insurance Adviser I know the underwriters, and I know which ones might be more willing to take on a case like this.”
David’s expertise paid off. He secured life insurance for Hollie through, ironically, a company she’d tried approaching years earlier.
“I was shocked when David called to say they would cover me,” Hollie says. “I don’t care about the extra cost. It’s still something.”
Can Cole Murray help you?
For Hollie, David’s help meant security for her family’s future, regardless of what happens with her health.
David is over the moon with the outcome too.
Hollie’s journey demonstrates that with the right insurance adviser, even those with serious health conditions, can find the protection they need.
If you are having trouble getting the insurance, give Cole Murray Financial Advisers a call. They have a team of Life & Health Insurance Advisers who would love to help you.